Businesses, community groups and individuals in Penrith can help curb plastic pollution by having their say on the ‘NSW Plastics: Next Steps’ paper, before public consultation closes in a fortnight.
Over the past 12 weeks, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) discussion paper has reached more than four million people across the state through mailouts and newsletters and thousands more online.
To date, more than 3,300 individuals have provided feedback through surveys and formal submissions.
The paper proposes further action to reduce problematic or unnecessary plastics, aiming to prevent 800,000 tonnes of plastic waste produced each year from causing harm to the environment and human health.
It identifies and addresses items and materials that:
• Are frequently littered or release microplastics into the environment;
• Contain harmful chemical additives; or
• Are regulated or proposed to be in other states and territories
Plastic products like lollipop sticks, cigarette butt filters and highly littered takeaway food packaging are some of the items that could be redesigned or phased out.
The EPA will prepare a consultation report to inform the public of the results.
To comment on ‘NSW Plastics: Next Steps’ by Sunday, 4 February 2024, visit
Quotes attributable to Ms Karen McKeown OAM:
“In Penrith, we want to see further protections put in place to safeguard the environment and human health for future generations.
“Your thoughts and ideas on what to do next are crucial to creating meaningful change, so I urge all community members, businesses and organisations to take a moment to share your insights for a cleaner and greener tomorrow.”
Quotes attributable to Minister for Climate Change and the Environment Penny Sharpe:
“Plastic packaging and single-use plastic items make up 60 per cent of all litter in NSW. By 2050, there may be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans, and that’s why we’re seeking your views on further measures to tackle this crisis.
“Thank you to every individual, business and organisation who has given feedback to date, and I hope many more will have their say to make a lasting difference for our environment.”